No going back

It became clear my son was completely in control , what I am about to tell you happened about 6 months after Harry Potter, and I never had a choice in it at all, by then I was naked almost all the time, clothes were not something I was aloud to wear very often 9 times out of 10 if we went out I was only aloud to wear my coat naked under it, my son walked into my bedroom one day,as I have told you before my blinds and curtains are glued open so I can't shut them ,he could see, young Kevin in the house across from us was looking and he said " I see Kevin is enjoying your body again he loves wanking over you but then again his not the only boy who does there are loads who do", I looked at him and said "what do you mean ", that's when he said ," I have been sending your photos to loads at boys at school for over a month now ", "Oh my God i told you this could not happen that I would get in trouble" I told him, he just grind at me and said" well if it was goingvto happen it would have by now most the boys in my school have your photos on there phones in the first week and I know that boys in other schools have them now ,I have loads of text from boys who have them and who want them